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<sec><title>Appendix A. Geochronology methods.</title>
<p>Two 10 kg samples of basal Telkwa Formation rock were collected for analyses. Zircons were separated from their host rocks using conventional mineral separation methods, and sectioned in an epoxy grain mount along with grains of an internationally accepted standard (Plešovice, a zircon standard with weighted mean <sup>206</sup>Pb/<sup>238</sup>U date of 337.13 ± 0.37 Ma), and brought to a very high polish. The surface of the mount was then washed for ∼10 min with dilute nitric acid and rinsed in ultraclean water. Analyses are carried out using a New Wave 213 nm Nd-YAG laser coupled to a Thermo Finnigan Element2 high-resolution ICP–MS. Ablation was in a New Wave “Supercell” ablation chamber, which is designed to achieve very high efficiency entrainment of aerosols into the carrier gas. Helium was used as the carrier gas for all experiments, and gas flow rates, together with other parametres such as torch position, were optimized prior to beginning a series of analyses. We typically used a 25 or 30 μm spot with 28%–32% laser power, and we did line scans rather than spot analyses to avoid within-run elemental fractions. Each analysis consisted of a 10 s background measurement (laser off) followed by a ∼30 s data acquisition period with the laser firing. A typical analytical session consisted of four analyses of the standard zircon, followed by four analyses of unknown zircons, one standard, one monitor zircon of known age, four unknown analyses, etc., and finally four standard analyses. Data were reduced using the GLITTER software package developed by the GEMOC group at Macquarrie University, which subtracts background measurements, propagate analytical errors, and calculates isotopic ratios and ages. This application generates a time-resolved record of each laser shot. Final ages for contiguous populations of relatively young (Phanerozoic) zircons are typically based on a weighted average of the calculated <sup>206</sup>Pb/<sup>238</sup>U ages for 20–25 individual analyses. For detrital zircon samples, 60 grains were analyzed and displayed on Concordia and probability plots. For the latter, <sup>206</sup>Pb/<sup>238</sup>U ages are used for grains less than 1 Ga and <sup>207</sup>Pb/<sup>206</sup>Pb ages for those greater than 1 Ga; these data were filtered at 10% discordance. Plotting of the analytical results employed ISOPLOT 3.00 software (<xref rid="refg102" ref-type="bib-ref">Ludwig 2003</xref>).</p> </sec>
</app> <app id="app2">Appendix B. Genetic methods.</title>
<sec><title>The bipolar see-saw</title>
<table-wrap id="tab4" position="float" orientation="portrait">
<label>Table B1.</label><caption><title>List of examined species, geographic origins of samples, and GenBank accession numbers.</title></caption> <graphic xlink:href="taba1"/> </table-wrap>