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Instructions for using this documentation

Issue XML Requirements

Article XML Requirements

Article Objects

ID Syntaxes

File-Naming Conventions

Full-text Examples


Article metadata


Element or context:



  1. Group all authors into a single <contrib-group> with attribute 'content-type' set to "authors".
  2. Contain each author within an individual <contrib> element with @contrib-type="authors"
  3. If an author is a corresponding author, then set @corresp="yes" and place the author's email address within <email> inside <contrib>
  4. The name of the author should go in <string-name name-style="western">, where the surname is within <surname> and the given names are within <given-names> (see the example below)
  5. Set attribute 'initials' on <given-names> and <surname>to the intitals for the author's given names and surname, respectively (see the example, below)
  6. If the author has a suffix (e.g., "Jr."), include it within <suffix>
  7. N.B. If the author is a collaborative group, such as an institution or working group, then contain the collaborator within <collab> (see the second instance of <contrib> in the example, below). For more examples of group authorship types, see also Authors, alternate authorship types
  8. See affiliations for how to mark up authors' affiliations
  9. If CRediT contributions are listed for any authors, see Authors' CRediT contributions for the required mark-up
  10. If there is a footnote on an author, see author footnotes


<contrib-group content-type="authors">
<contrib contrib-type="author" corresp="yes">
<contrib-id contrib-id-type="orcid" authenticated="true"> <contrib contrib-type="author" corresp="no"> <string-name name-style="western">
<given-names initials="V">Vincent</given-names> <surname initials="V">Vega</surname> </string-name> <email>v.vega@gmail.com</email>
<xref ref-type="aff" rid="affa"><sup>a</sup></xref>
<xref ref-type="fn" rid="afn1"></xref>
<contrib contrib-type="author" corresp="no">
<collab>The Mohandas K.Gandhi Institute for Research in Peaceful Fisheries</collab>
<xref ref-type="aff" rid="affa"><sup>a</sup></xref>
<xref ref-type="fn" rid="afn1"></xref>
<contrib contrib-type="author" corresp="no">
<string-name name-style="western"> <given-names initials="M">Marsalis</given-names> <surname initials="W">Wallace</surname>
<xref ref-type="aff" rid="affa"><sup>a</sup></xref>
<contrib contrib-type="author" corresp="yes">
<string-name name-style="western"> <given-names initials="C">Captain</given-names> <surname initials="C">Cooke</surname> <suffix>Jr.</suffix>
<xref ref-type="aff" rid="affa"><sup>a</sup></xref>
<xref ref-type="aff" rid="affb"><sup>b</sup></xref>
<aff id="affa">
<label><sup>a</sup></label>Fish Ecology and Conservation Physiology Laboratory, Department of Biology, Institute of Environmental Science, <institution>Carleton University</institution>, 1125 Colonel By Dr., <city>Ottawa</city>, <state>ON</state> <postal-code>K1S 5B6</postal-code>, <country country="CA">Canada</country> </aff>
<aff id="affb"><label><sup>b</sup></label>Canadian Centre for Evidence-Based Conservation and Environmental Management, <institution>Carleton University</institution>, 1125 Colonel By Dr., <city>Ottawa</city>, <state>ON</state> <postal-code>K1S 5B6</postal-code>, <country country="CA">Canada</country> </aff> </contrib-group>