Article metadata
Element or context:
- Group all authors into a single <contrib-group> with attribute 'content-type' set to "authors".
- Contain each author within an individual <contrib> element with @contrib-type="authors"
- If an author is a corresponding author, then set @corresp="yes" and place the author's email address within <email> inside <contrib>
- The name of the author should go in <string-name name-style="western">, where the surname is within <surname> and the given names are within <given-names> (see the example below)
- Set attribute 'initials' on <given-names> and <surname>to the intitals for the author's given names and surname, respectively (see the example, below)
- If the author has a suffix (e.g., "Jr."), include it within <suffix>
- N.B. If the author is a collaborative group, such as an institution or working group, then contain the collaborator within <collab> (see the second instance of <contrib> in the example, below). For more examples of group authorship types, see also Authors, alternate authorship types
- See affiliations for how to mark up authors' affiliations
- If CRediT contributions are listed for any authors, see Authors' CRediT contributions for the required mark-up
- If there is a footnote on an author, see author footnotes
<contrib-group content-type="authors">
<contrib contrib-type="author" corresp="yes">
<contrib-id contrib-id-type="orcid" authenticated="true"> <contrib contrib-type="author" corresp="no"> <string-name name-style="western">
<given-names initials="V">Vincent</given-names> <surname initials="V">Vega</surname> </string-name> <email></email>
<xref ref-type="aff" rid="affa"><sup>a</sup></xref>
<xref ref-type="fn" rid="afn1"></xref>
<contrib contrib-type="author" corresp="no">
<collab>The Mohandas K.Gandhi Institute for Research in Peaceful Fisheries</collab>
<xref ref-type="aff" rid="affa"><sup>a</sup></xref>
<xref ref-type="fn" rid="afn1"></xref>
<contrib contrib-type="author" corresp="no">
<string-name name-style="western"> <given-names initials="M">Marsalis</given-names> <surname initials="W">Wallace</surname>
<xref ref-type="aff" rid="affa"><sup>a</sup></xref>
<contrib contrib-type="author" corresp="yes">
<string-name name-style="western"> <given-names initials="C">Captain</given-names> <surname initials="C">Cooke</surname> <suffix>Jr.</suffix>
<xref ref-type="aff" rid="affa"><sup>a</sup></xref>
<xref ref-type="aff" rid="affb"><sup>b</sup></xref>
<aff id="affa">
<label><sup>a</sup></label>Fish Ecology and Conservation Physiology Laboratory, Department of Biology, Institute of Environmental Science, <institution>Carleton University</institution>, 1125 Colonel By Dr., <city>Ottawa</city>, <state>ON</state> <postal-code>K1S 5B6</postal-code>, <country country="CA">Canada</country> </aff>
<aff id="affb"><label><sup>b</sup></label>Canadian Centre for Evidence-Based Conservation and Environmental Management, <institution>Carleton University</institution>, 1125 Colonel By Dr., <city>Ottawa</city>, <state>ON</state> <postal-code>K1S 5B6</postal-code>, <country country="CA">Canada</country> </aff> </contrib-group>