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Instructions for using this documentation

Issue XML Requirements

Article XML Requirements

Article Objects

ID Syntaxes

File-Naming Conventions

Full-text Examples


Article object

Figures, graphics, and media (including video)

Element or context:

<fig>,<graphic>, <inline-graphic>, <media>


A. Figures

N.B. <fig> should be used only for graphics that have captions and titles, except for the unique case of graphical abstracts.

  1. Give each <fig> a unique id of the form "f{some number}"
  2. Follow the CSP file-naming convention for graphics contained in figures
  3. Use a <label> element to contain the numeric figure label (see the example)
  4. Put the caption within <p> inside <caption>
  5. Set the attribute 'xlink:href' on <graphic> to the file name of the figure file
  6. For both <fig> and <graphic>, set attribute 'position' to "float" and attribute 'orientation' to "portrait".
  7. If a figure has to be broken up into separate figures across pages, then do the following:
    • Put the continuing figure within a new set of <fig> tags, following the requirements above; set the id to the same fig id as the first figure, but with a letter beside it (e.g., "f1a")
    • Ammend any <xref> elements that point to the original figure to include the id of the figure part (e.g, <xref ref-type="fig" rid="f1 f1a">Fig. 1</xref>).

B. Displayed or inline graphics that are not part of figures

  1. Give each <graphic> or <inline-graphic> a unique id of the form "c{some number}"
  2. Follow the CSP file-naming convention for displayed and inline graphic files that are not part of figures

C. Schemes and charts

  1. If the figure is a scheme or chart, then use @fig-type="scheme" or @fig-type="chart" and use id="sch{some number" or id="chart{some number}"

C. Video and other media

  1. Use a <fig> element as the parent, with @fig-type="video". Within <caption>, include the title within <title>.
  2. Use a <label> containing "Video 1" or whatever number is appropriate.
  3. Use an <alternatives> element to contain both the media file itself and a still image that will represent the video (see the example). The media or video should be contained within <media>. Use the mimetype attribute to specify the kind of media (see the example). The image should be referenced using a <graphic> element.

Example 1 (regular figure):

<fig id="f1" position="float" orientation="portrait">
   <label><bold>Video 1.</bold> </label>
    <title>Effects of a VAD or a VAS diet on the body mass of ZL and ZF rats after weaning. Zucker lean (A) and fatty (B) rats at weaning (3&#xa0;weeks of age) were fed a VAD or a VAS diet for 8&#xa0;weeks. Individual body mass was recorded weekly and plotted. Animal numbers are shown in the parentheses (mean&#xa0;&#xb1; SEM, * <italic>p</italic>&#xa0;&lt; 0.05 for comparing VAD group with VAS group at indicated time point).</title>
   <graphic xlink:href="o2012-012f1.eps" position="float" orientation="portrait" xlink:type="simple"/>

Example 2 (scheme):

<fig id="f1" position="float" orientation="portrait">
   <label><bold>Scheme 2.</bold> </label>
      <graphic xlink:href="o2012-012sch2.eps" position="float" orientation="portrait" xlink:type="simple"/>

Example 3 (figure containing a video file):

<fig id="f1" position="float" orientation="portrait">
   <label><bold>Fig.&#xa0;1.</bold> </label>
    <title>Effects of a VAD or a VAS diet on the body mass of ZL and ZF rats after weaning. Zucker lean (A) and fatty (B) rats at weaning (3&#xa0;weeks of age) were fed a VAD or a VAS diet for 8&#xa0;weeks. Individual body mass was recorded weekly and plotted. Animal numbers are shown in the parentheses (mean&#xa0;&#xb1; SEM, * <italic>p</italic>&#xa0;&lt; 0.05 for comparing VAD group with VAS group at indicated time point).</title>

 <media mimetype="video" mimesubtype="quicktime" xlink:href="o2012-012v1.wmv"
<graphic xlink:href="o2012-012v1.png"/>
