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Issue XML Requirements

Article XML Requirements

Article Objects

ID Syntaxes

File-Naming Conventions

Full-text Examples


Article object

Taxonomy: key

Element or context:


A taxonomy key consists of a complex system of nested definition lists (<def-list>) with various values for the attribute "list-content", as follows:


  1. Put the entire taxonomy key within a single <def-list> with attribute 'list-content' on <def-list> set to "tax-key".
  2. Put each taxonomy section in a <def-list> with attribute 'list-content' set to "tax-section; if the taxonomy section contains a title, then put the title in a <title> just inside the opening <def-list> tag.
  3. Put each taxonomy couplet in a <def-list> with attribute 'list-content' set to "tax-couplet".
  4. The <term> element in each <def-item> in a taxonomy couplet should contain a taxonomy number and a description. Put each taxonomy number into a <named-content> element with attribute 'content-type' set to "tax-number".
  5. The <def> element in each <def-item> in a taxonomy couplet should contain the taxonomy result; the taxonomy result will be either a number or a taxonomy species name. If the taxonomy result is a species name, then it must be set in <italic> tags.


In display:


<def-list list-content="tax-key">
<def-list list-content="tax-section">
<title id="ttl3">Young's Cove Formation</title>
<def-item><term><named-content content-type="tax-number">7.</named-content>Mudstone, shaly, grey with thin siltstones (much contorted&#x2013;disturbed)</term><def><p>30.48 m</p></def></def-item>
<def-item><term><named-content content-type="tax-number">6.</named-content>Mudstone, shaly, black, pyritiferous with blue&#x2013;grey, recrystallized fossiliferous limestone nodules [GSNL Fossil Locality G-74-35] containing <italic>Bailiella aequalis</italic></term><def><p>15.24 m</p></def></def-item>
<def-item><term><named-content content-type="tax-number">5.</named-content>Mudstone, shaly and siltstone, black, manganiferous</term><def><p>1.83 m</p></def></def-item>
<def-item><term><named-content content-type="tax-number">4.</named-content>Limestone, blue&#x2013;grey, crystalline, fossiliferous [GSNL Fossil Locality G-74-34] containing <italic>Onymagnostus</italic> cf. <italic>hybridus</italic>, <italic>Hypagnostus mammillatus</italic>, <italic>H</italic>. aff. <italic>clipeus, Cotalagnostus</italic> sp. nov.<italic>, Peronopsis</italic> cf. <italic>fallax minor, Pagetides johannis, Paradoxides (P.) davidis davidis, P.</italic> (<italic>P.</italic>) cf. <italic>abenacus, Brunswickia</italic> (<italic>B.</italic>) cf. <italic>jaculator, B.</italic> (<italic>Jincella</italic>) sp., <italic>Agraulos</italic> sp., hyoliths (<xref ref-type="fig" rid="f5">Pl. 2</xref>, figs. 27, 28), stenothecid molluscs and orthid (<xref ref-type="fig" rid="f5">Pl. 2</xref>, fig. 26), acrotretid (<xref ref-type="fig" rid="f5">Pl. 2</xref>, figs. 23, 24) and lingulate (<xref ref-type="fig" rid="f5">Pl. 2</xref>, fig. 25) brachiopods</term><def><p>0.31 m</p></def></def-item>
<def-item><term><named-content content-type="tax-number">3.</named-content>Mudstone, shaly, grey&#x2013;green</term><def><p>2.44 m</p></def></def-item>
<def-list list-content="tax-section">
<title id="ttl4">Random Formation</title>
<def-item><term><named-content content-type="tax-number">2.</named-content>Sandstone, fine grained, quartzose, black with numerous red&#x2013;purple streaks and patches near base, grading upward into red, arkosic sandstone</term><def><p>3.01 m</p></def></def-item>
<def-item><term><named-content content-type="tax-number">1.</named-content>Quartzarenite, pink&#x2013;white, cross-bedded</term><def><p>3.01 m</p></def></def-item>