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Instructions for using this documentation

Issue XML Requirements

Article XML Requirements

Article Objects

ID Syntaxes

File-Naming Conventions

Full-text Examples


Article object

Bibliographic references

Element or context:

<ref-list>, <mixed-citation>, <ref>

A note about spaces:

Any sequence of contiguous white space which is outside, or between, the child elements of a mixed-content element (such as <mixed-citation> and <string-name>) will be rendered as a single normal space. So a space, line break or tab, or any sequence of them, will display as a single space.

This means, for example, that you can set <surname> and <given-names> on separate lines, indented, and they will be separated by a single space in the UI. You can also break up a long run of text with line breaks in the XML. Each line break and any contiguous white space will be replaced by a single normal space.


  1. Put the entire reference list within <ref-list> and include the word "References" within <title>
  2. Put each reference within a single <ref> element with a unique id of the form "refg1"
  3. Put the the body of each reference within a <mixed-citation> element inside <ref> (See the example, below). Ensure that all required punctuation, spaces, and formatting elements such as <bold> or <italic> are present.
  4. Set the attribute 'publication-type' to the appropriate value, as follows:
    • journal
    • book
    • bulletin
    • conference
    • standard
    • thesis
    • web
    • data
  5. Give each <mixed-citation> element a unique id of the form "ref1"
  6. Put the authors' names within <person-group> with attribute 'person-group-type' set to "author"
  7. Within <person-group>, put individual names within <string-name> tags. However, if the author is actually a collaboration, such as an organization or working group, then put the name within <collab> (see Example 1, below)
  8. Put the surname in a <surname> element, and the authors' initials with NO periods within <given-names>; put a space after <surname> either by typing a space or carriage return
  9. If the author is anonymous, then use <anonymous> tags to enclose the word "anonymous"
  10. Include a comma and a space after each <string-name>, except for the last one. Put a period after </person-group>.
    • For FACETS only: For the next-to-last name, include the word 'and' after the comma and space.
  11. If the author list includes "et al", then put the words "et al" in a <etal> element; do not include any leading or trailing spaces around the <etal> element
  12. If the year has a sequence letter after it (e.g., 2006a), then put the entire contents in <year>, but use the  attribute iso-8601-date attribute to contain the 4-digit year (see Example 2)
  13. Contain the name of the journal or book within a <source> element and put a comma plus a space after <source>
  14. Put the volume within a <volume> tag and include a colon and a space after it if there is no issue number. If there is an issue number available, then put the issue in a <issue> element and put the <issue> element in parentheses, with the colon and space going after the parentheses
  15. Put the first and last pages of the reference within <fpage> and <lpage> tags, respectively, separated by an N-dash (&#x2013;) if the journal uses <lpage>; put a period and a space after the <lpage>
  16. If a publisher name and location are available for a book reference, then include them within <publisher-name> and <publisher-loc>, respectively; add a comma and space after <publisher-name> and a period after <publisher-loc>
  17. Put the doi within a <pub-id> element, with attribute 'pub-id-type' set to "doi"
    • For FACETS only: Precede the <pub-id> element for the DOI with an <x> element with attribute 'specific-use' set to "print" to contain "DOI: " (note the uppercase letters and the space after the colon)
  18. If a PubMed (Medline) id number is available for the reference, then put it in <pub-id> with attritute 'pub-id-type' set to "pmid".
    • For FACETS only: Precede the <pub-id> element for the PMID with an <x> element with attribute 'specific-use' set to "print" to contain "PMID: " (note the uppercase letters and the space after the colon)

Example 1


<ref id="refg1"><mixed-citation id="ref1" publication-type="journal"><person-group><collab>Canadian Council for Animal Care</collab>, and <string-name name-style="western"><surname>Johnsson</surname> <given-names>HJ</given-names></string-name></person-group>. <year>1999</year>. <article-title>Genetic variation in <italic>Fitzroya cupressoides</italic> (alerce), a threatened South American conifer.</article-title>. <source>Molecular Ecology</source>, <volume>8</volume>(<issue>6</issue>): <fpage>975</fpage>&#x2013;<lpage>987</lpage>. <pub-id pub-id-type="doi">https://doi.10.1046/j.1365-294x.1999.00650.x</pub-id>. <pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">10434418</pub-id></mixed-citation></ref>

Example 2

<ref id="refg2"><mixed-citation id="ref2" publication-type="journal"><person-group person-group-type="author"><string-name name-style="western"><surname>Bandelt</surname> <given-names>HJ</given-names></string-name>, <string-name name-style="western"><surname>Forster</surname> <given-names>P</given-names></string-name>, <string-name name-style="western"><surname>R&#x00F6;hl</surname> <given-names>A</given-names></string-name>, <string-name name-style="western"><surname>Smith</surname> <given-names>X</given-names></string-name>, <string-name name-style="western"><surname>Wesson</surname> <given-names>M</given-names></string-name>, <string-name name-style="western"><surname>Lemonjelo</surname> <given-names>EI</given-names></string-name>, <string-name name-style="western"><surname>Walsh</surname> <given-names>H</given-names></string-name>,<etal>et al</etal></person-group>. <year @iso-8601-date="1999">1999a</year>. <article-title>Median-joining networks for inferring intraspecific phylogenies.</article-title> <source>Genomics</source>, <volume>16</volume>(<issue>1</issue>): <fpage>37</fpage>&#x2013;<lpage>48</lpage>. <pub-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1036/gen1365-294x.1998.00650.x</pub-id>.</mixed-citation></ref>

Example 3

<ref id="refg16">
<mixed-citation id="ref16" publication-type="book"><person-group person-group-type="author"><string-name name-style="western"><surname>Fillion</surname> <given-names>G</given-names></string-name></person-group>. <year>2010</year>. <article-title>Reassessing the abundance of H3K9mezzew2 chromatin domains in embryonic stem cells</article-title>. <italic>In</italic> <source>A Handbook of Obscure Molecular Biology</source>. <italic>Edited by</italic> Y. Cornelius. <publisher-name>John Wiley</publisher-name>, <publisher-loc>New York</publisher-loc>. <pub-id pub-id-type="doi">https://doi.10.1038/ng0110-4</pub-id>.</mixed-citation>

Example 4: FACETS

<ref id="refg16">
<mixed-citation id="ref16" publication-type="book"><person-group person-group-type="author"><string-name><surname>Fillion</surname> <given-names>G</given-names></string-name></person-group>. <year>2010</year>. <source>Reassessing the abundance of H3K9me2 chromatin domains in embryonic stem cells.</source>. <publisher-name>John Wiley</publisher-name>, <publisher-loc>New York</publisher-loc>. <x specific-use="print">DOI: </x><pub-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1038/ng0110-4</pub-id> <x specific-use="print">PMID: </x><pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">20037608</pub-id>.</mixed-citation>