XML requirements for
CSP's NRC Research Press journals
Instructions for using this documentation
Issue XML Requirements
Article XML Requirements
▼ Article Objects▲
- ■ <article> and paper types
- ■ Abstract
- ■ Abstract, graphical
- ■ Abstract, Translated
- ■ Acknowledgements
- ■ Affiliations
- ■ Appendices
- ■ Article DOI
- ■ Article PDF file
- ■ Article subject categories (FACETS only)
- ■ Article title
- ■ Authors
- ■ Authors, alternate authorship types
- ■ Authors' conflict-of-interest statements
- ■ Authors' CRediT contributions
- ■ Authors, corresponding
- ■ Author's ORCID id
- ■ Authors' on-behalf-of statements
- ■ Bibliographic references
- ■ Bibliographic references, numbered
- ■ Boxed text
- ■ Computer algorithms
- ■ Data availability statements
- ■ Dates, history and pub
- ■ Displayed quote
- ■ Editors
- ■ Email
- ■ Figures, graphics, and media
- ■ Funding
- ■ Keywords and PACS Nos.
- ■ Land acknowledgement statement
- ■ Links, internal
- ■ Links, external
- ■ Lists
- ■ Lists, symbol (glossaries)
- ■ Math
- ■ Math statements
- ■ Media (video and audio)
- ■ Permissions: copyright & license
- ■ Related Articles (corrections, retractions, replies, etc)
- ■ Supplementary material
- ■ Tables
- ■ Tables: Cell boxes
- ■ Tables: Alignment
- ■ Tables: Body as a single image
- ■ Tables: Shading
- ■ Tables with paragraph text in cells
- ■ Taxonomy: genus & species
- ■ Taxonomy: hierarchies
- ■ Taxonomy: key
- ■ Taxonomy: major heading
- ■ Taxonomy: minor heading
- ■ Taxonomy: synonyms
ID Syntaxes
File-Naming Conventions
Full-text Examples
Article metadata
Article paper type headings
See Article and paper types